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Gena Easterling's Profile


Gena Easterling


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About Me

Educational History:

I graduated high school from Costa Rica Academy in San Jose, Costa Rica. I graduated from Jacksonville College and from Stephen F. Austin State University.

Yo me graue de la Academia de Costa Rica, el Colegio de Jacksonville, y de la Universidad de Stephen F. Austin.

Degrees and Certifications:

I am certified in Bilingual Education with an ESL endorsement, as well as in Generic Special Education and Elementary Education.

Tengo mi certificacion en educacion bilingue con una especialidad en Ingles como Segundo Lenguaje, y tambien tengo una certificacion en educacion especial y educacion primaria.

Professional Development:

I attended Sheltered English instruction and the Bilingual Summer Institute this summer.

Este verano asisti instruccion de Ingles protejido y el instituto bilingue de verano.

Current Position:

I have been teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) here at Central Heights for the last ten years.

Tengo diez anos de ser la maestra de Ingles como Segundo Lenguaje aqui en Central Heights.

Previous Position:

I taught two years for Jacksonville ISD, five for Blooming Grove ISD and one for Nacogdoches ISD. I then had my two children and stayed home raising them for eleven years.

Trabaje por dos anos para Jacksonville ISD, cinco para Blooming Grove ISD y uno para Nacogdoches ISD. Luego tuve a mis dos hijos y me quede en la casa criandolos for once anos.

Family Information:

I have been married to Robert Easterling for 29 years. I have a daughter who is a junior at Stephen F Austin and a son who is a Junior at Central Heights High School. We have two dogs and a cat.

Tengo 29 anos de casada con mi esposo Robert Easterling. Tengo una hija que asiste la Universidad de Stephen F. Austin, y un hijo que esta en el grado 11 aqui en Central Heights High School.

Personal Information:

I enjoy cooking, reading, watching old movies, and spending time with my family.

Me gusta cocinar, leer, ver peliculas viejas, y me gusta pasar tiempo con mi familia.

Gena Easterling

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